BROCKTON—Youngsters who might beg their parents for a pet ferret after seeing and learning about them during the Mary E. Baker Elementary School’s Terrific Tuesdays presentation of wild animals, including a ferret, have been warned that while they are cute, cuddly and friendly, everyday, and sometimes important items will begin to disappear around the house.

“They’re thieves,” said Jungle Encounters animal handler Debbie Willoughby to a group of more than 60 youngsters, adults and Baker School officials.
“They will steal keys, they’ll go through your school bag and take whatever is in it—school work, papers, notebooks… and they will bury it deep under the couch where you will never find them again,” Willoughby said.

Along with Jesse the ferret, Willoughby showed the audience a lizard-like blue-tongued skink native to Australia, a long-eared African Fennec fox, a unique brown skunk who let out a yawn during the show, a kangaroo-like Patagonian Cavy, and a hedgehog-like Tenrec from Madagascar.
Students asked numerous questions and some were picked to pat certain animals.
Willoughby said the others might bite because they are not used to anyone other than her, and although in captivity, are wild animals.
At the end, everyone who attended was allowed to pat the Patagonian Cavy, which looks like a kangaroo and is the second largest rodent in the world.

While the animals were a thrill for many, one boy, 5-year-old Christopher Cugno, couldn’t wait until the animal presentation was over so he could get to the real reason he was there. (Cugno pictured with twin sister, Tyla, and cousin Gina Gallagher, 4)
“I wanted the ice cream,” Cugno said gleefully, waving one of the animal books given free during the program and headed to a table where ice cream was being served.
Terrific Tuesdays, offered by the school’s Title 1 program, is a summer long presentation of fun, educational programs that began with “Eyes on Owls” June 28.
Programs are held at 6 p.m. each Tuesday night at the Mary E. Baker School.
All are welcome and at the end of every session participants are treated to ice cream.

Terrific Tuesdays will run until Aug. 30 when the program wraps up with “Back-to-School Bingo,” when participants can win books and supplies for the new school year.
Biana Shearrion, who brought her 6-year-old daughter Taz, and 5-month-old son Malaki, enjoyed an ice cream sandwich after the program.
Shearrion said really liked learning about the animals, especially the skunk because she learned what they eat and to stand still if she ever crosses paths with one.

She said, unlike Cugno, Shearrion did not know there would be ice cream at the end.
“We came for the animals, but the ice cream is good too,” Shearrion said.
Click here for more information about Terrific Tuesdays...